Wallonia Dog Show by the Royal Club Canin du Hainaut
by the Royal Club Canin du Hainaut


The Wallonia Dog Show

The Wallonia Dog Show is an international dog beauty contest granting the Certificate of Aptitude to the International Beauty Contest (CACIB), organized by the Royal Club Canin du Hainaut (RCCH).

The Royal Dog Club of Hainaut

The Royal Dog Club of Hainaut – Royal Club Canin du Hainaut (RCCH) – was founded in 1907 in Belgium.

The RCCH is a non-profit organisation (ASBL), registered in Belgium under the registration number BE0461100584. Its head office is located at: 95 avenue de la Paix, 6001 Marcinelle, Belgium.

The RCCH is affiliated with the Union Royale Canine Saint-Hubert (U.R.C.S.H.), under the affiliate number 121.

The board of directors

Executive committee


THEYS Dominique – rcch.theys@gmail.com – (+32)479.87.29.44

General secretary

BURNIAUX Sarah – rcch.burniaux@gmail.com


CARDINAL Corinne – du.blanc.desir@gmail.com

Other members of the board

  • GILSON Sylvianne
  • GOVAL Catherine

Honorary Members

Honorary President

GOVAL Jean-François